We developed a proof of concept to increase miners performance and safety using AR.

We developed a proof of concept to increase miners performance and safety using AR.

The brief.

In India, mining operations encompass both underground and surface mines. The need for strict safety protocols and the use of personal protective equipment to safeguard miners' well-being amidst hazardous conditions is crucial.

Despite these challenges, connectivity remains a significant concern, particularly in remote areas where internet access is limited or absent, hampering communication and emergency responses.
Technicians are often far away and unable to easily get to equipment in the field that needs serviced. What if there was a better way to engage with operators or technicians in the field without the need to send more technicians?

Our globally known for high safety ratings and quality client made new partnerships to create a new OS that might affect day-to-day work on several industries.

Our approach.

Our design team focused on how they could create
a tool to increase workers performance and safety
during their workday.

The main constraint they faced was knowing the
poor internet connectivity in both open pit and
underground mines.

The design team planned to use Bluetooth or other
nearby type of communication, so both solutions
could work underground or in places with low to
no internet connection.

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The outcome.

Our team developed two different concepts and solutions for different needs and situations: mobile and smart glasses.

To ensure safety first, on mobile emergency notifications have a more important highlight on lock screen. And the smart glasses should be worn at all times and receive or send notification during emergencies to evacuate the mines.

Other smart safety possibilities were considered, such as earbuds for noise cancelling, voice guidance for calling, reporting or to receive help remotely from other technicians, and also gloves with sensors that are easily recognized by the smart glasses to improve navigation.

We produced:

Mobile solution
Image and sound analysis on demand, to identify issues in machinery based on AI.

Smart Glasses solution
Active analysis of machinery without user trigger, notifications to provide AR+AI guidance, and video calls with specialist for guided repair.

Step by Step fixing with AR
Provide instructions and recommended actions for both technologies, based on the type of damage. When repairing, the AR will provide step by step guidance and the AI will complete each step.

Clear guidance on voice commands

We developed a proof of concept to increase miners performance and safety using AR.