Next-gen architecture resulting in 99% cart match rates, for real-time purchasing.

Next-gen architecture resulting in 99% cart match rates, for real-time purchasing.

The brief.

Our client had a tremendous opportunity to drive accelerated product sales through their online e-Commerce channels. Their dated mainframe applications for purchasing, however, only provided synchronized and accurate inventory data across stores once each day. By modernizing their data architecture, the client had a pathway to enable real-time inventory levels in an age requiring accurate, one-click purchasing.

Our approach.

Our team delivered a set of enterprise APIs and integrations to support this agile transformation.

Developed real-time data streaming

Utilized Cassandra to enable real-time data streaming from a legacy and batch-based Informix platform.

Enabled next-generation architecture

Supported the shared vision of a next-generation architecture that facilitates real-time inventory updates for "balances on hand" and improves product availability.

Modernized inventory re-order points

Modernized the process of inventory re-order points, leading to over 99% cart match and driving dramatic revenue improvements.

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The outcome.

Customer Experience dramatically enhanced through positive online recommendations and product availability.Agility of one-click buy enabled to drive purchase predicability and enhance trust.Cloud architecture development and support for critical daily operations required up to and during the pandemic.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Positive online recommendations and improved product availability significantly enhanced the overall customer experience.

Agility of One-Click Buy

The implementation of one-click buy functionality improved purchase predictability and enhanced trust among customers.

Cloud Architecture Development

Development and support of a cloud architecture for critical daily operations, proving essential during the pandemic.

99% Cart Match Rates

Achieved a remarkable 99% cart match rate, indicating the effectiveness of inventory re-order points.

Scalable, Real-Time Data Insights

Implemented scalable, real-time data insights to drive better decision-making.

2% Increase in Revenue

Revenue saw a 2% increase through improved cross-selling strategies.

Unlocked Digital Commerce Capabilities

Unlocked digital commerce capabilities for online operations, contributing to overall business growth.

Next-gen architecture resulting in 99% cart match rates, for real-time purchasing.