Digital lockbox migrations for a large US consumer bank.

Digital lockbox migrations for a large US consumer bank.

The brief.

Ascendum collaborated with the client, one of the largest consumer banks in the Midwestern United States, to address the challenge of migrating existing customer lockbox accounts. With more than 1,100 branches and a diverse customer base, including wholesale and retail customers, the goal was to transition from traditional lockbox platforms like CMS to the ImageRPS platform. The project scope encompassed migrating approximately 4,200 lockbox accounts to the new platform to enhance efficiency and streamline payment processing for the growing client base.

Our approach.

Understand Data Sources & Mapping

Map and relate the traditional lockbox schema to ImageRPS and design a solution to migrate all customer acounts to a lower environment for rigorous testing.

Release to Production Environment

Used a phase-wide approach to enable customers with a hassle-free banking experience.

Onboard & Educate

Ascendum onboarded and educated the end-customers to use the new digital lockbox platform.

The Ascendum team studied 23 million fields necessary for migration and created a data dictionary for more than 250k fields mapping to ImageRPS.

Your exceptional work and dedication are greatly valued and appreciated

Sai Miller

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The outcome.

Ascendum developed a windows too to migrate data from various platforms and data sources to ImageRPS. An automation solution was also developed to validate data and mapping sanity in a lower environment post migration. The Ascendum delivery team created a release plan suitable for phased deployments. This approach lowered the risk of any unknown issues/bugs. This enable end-customers to access their lockbox(s) any time during migration.

• 250K fields mapped to ImageRPS

• 643 boxes migrated

• 418 unique customers

• 122 data files implemented

• 37 image files implemented

• 19 centralized exception boxes

Digital lockbox migrations for a large US consumer bank.