Creating an engaging virtual preschool experience for children learning remotely.

Creating an engaging virtual preschool experience for children learning remotely.

The brief.

Our client is one of the largest early childhood education partners in the country, with over 500 franchised schools across dozens of states. Because of the global pandemic, parents were unable to send their children to school in person. Our client needed a tool to help students continue to learn and maintain their connections with classmates and teachers.While individual tools existed, no one application brought all the functionality together in a way that preschool students could use.Time was of the essence, and the client wanted to launch a pilot project as quickly as possible.

Our approach.

We identified three core functional areas.

Virtual Classrooms

Video meetings for synchronous learning.

Content Library

Recorded videos, pictures, and worksheets for asynchronous learning.

Activity Plans

A day’s worth of activities for students. The MVP featured specialized experiences for students, parents, and teachers.

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The outcome.

Ascendum worked hand-in-hand with Goddard’s IT team, stakeholders, parents, teachers, and students to deliver the pilot “Goddard-on-the-Go” application in eight weeks. The feature set continued to evolve as the product was being built.The front-end of the web app was built in Angular and the backend API was built in C# .Net Core. Our team used an SQL database for the school and user information, and Azure Blob Storage for videos. The virtual classroom UI was wrapped around a Zoom API.

Creating an engaging virtual preschool experience for children learning remotely.