Creating a brand identity for a location based rewards platform on mobile.

Creating a brand identity for a location based rewards platform on mobile.

The brief.

Radius introduced groundbreaking location-based marketing technology, revolutionizing B&M (brick-and-mortar) retail media. Imagine a Pokémon GO™-like experience for shoppers, guiding them to discover promotions as they shop, navigate to new products, and even clip in-store coupons.

The product initially required a new logo. However, it needed to resonate with another app in the same family, utilizing similar color tones and fonts as part of its own brand suite to retain user recognition.

The challenge was to design a pictorial mark that is approachable, describes the product clearly, and can be easily applied to digital, print, and motion mediums in a more engaging manner than simply using a logo.

Our approach.

The key objective was to craft a logo that seamlessly conveyed both the concept of location and reward within a single graphic—a powerful design technique known for sparking innovative ideas.

Our approach began with the creation of bespoke map pins, arranged in sets of four to symbolize multiple rewards within a single radius or location. Through this arrangement, we inadvertently formed a beautiful butterfly symbol, representing rewards that are constantly in motion and surrounding the user.

This concept of 'catching butterfly rewards' not only lends itself well to app gamification but also presents an excellent opportunity for sponsorship branding.

This was applied to:

Logo and brand identity

A unique pictorial logo device supported by userfriendly colors, typography and copywriting.

Motion design

A concept that could lend itself easily to being animated for screens, particularly app loading screens and websites.


The solution had to work across gamification and make the user interested to actively want to find rewards for fun.


The solution had to enable cross pollination of brands 
and sponsors but still feel like Radius.

On Radius we used used simple design math to find a great solution. How do you graphically communicate location and rewards in one?
Location pins that form butterflies is just perfect.

Jon Plumb

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The outcome.

While we always explore multiple solutions —the butterfly proved to be the ideal choice for several reasons, including easy co-branding.

Initially, it was integrated into print materials for university campuses, but its potential soared when we presented our concept for gamifying the process of discovering rewards through a butterfly-catching augmented reality game. Motion design played a critical role in bringing this idea to life. We meticulously studied butterfly motion to create a seamless representation within the logo.

The brand was warmly received, and we remained dedicated to upholding its integrity throughout the rollout to:

Print communications

Applied to numerous print communications including posters, adverts, business cards, t-shirts and stationery.


An augmented reality game concept to make the process of finding and using rewards more engaging and competitive.


Developed an easy system of co-branding the logo to retain the radius brand but be equally recognized as other brands.

Digital motion brand assets

Supplied digital assets along with motion for use
on website, screens and mobile devices.

Creating a brand identity for a location based rewards platform on mobile.