ABP found us to be the perfect partner to help design their
AI search solution.

ABP found us to be the perfect partner to help design their 
AI search solution.

Curio, the dedicated in-house design team at Ascendum, took on an ambitious project in partnership with ABP to enable users to search documents using natural language. Engaged by ABP, a consultancy specializing in business process management and AI-powered automation, our objective was to enhance the user experience of a client’s existing document search solution, originally confined to an Excel spreadsheet.

It’s always a pleasure to work with Ascendum Solutions, the team share our values of outcome focus and client centred design. So many next generation AI Concepts need to be anchored in a user experience to bring them to life. If we are looking for a partner to work with us on user experience led design concepts then the decision is made.

Mark Robbins
Chief Revenue Officer at ABP
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The goal was to create an intuitive, user-friendly platform to streamline document searches for the client's employees.

In collaboration with ABP Consultancy, our team faced the challenge of redesigning the client's internal tool for managing and discovering files, all on a strict deadline.

Leveraging Watson Discovery for Enhanced User Experience

By integrating the capabilities of IBM's Watson Discovery, we enabled users to search documents using natural language processing, apply filters, and more, in a seamless and convenient manner. Our contributions added innovative features, allowing users to efficiently collect and share documents as needed.

Project Requirements and Execution

The project scope included a desktop version, wireframes, and a Figma prototype for the proposed solution. Ascendum’s digital team began with client meetings to understand their needs and challenges thoroughly.

We conducted several initial meetings to gather insights and brainstorm ideas using Figjam, which facilitated seamless collaboration. Our process included analyzing client needs, market research, and iterative work on wireframes, visual design, and prototypes.

Improving the User Experience with AI

We harnessed AI's potential to modernize the document search process, moving away from cumbersome Excel sheets to a natural language-based search mechanism.

Auto-Complete Suggestions

To enhance the user experience, we integrated auto-complete suggestions, streamlining task initiation and reducing the learning curve, thereby allowing users to focus more efficiently on their work.

Document Search Interface

The new interface employs natural language processing to navigate through a complex document database. Users can interact with the AI by requesting specific types of documents they need.

Search Results Display

Search results are presented in an easily navigable format. Users can refine results using filters and explore related topics seamlessly.

Shareable Library

Users can save pertinent documents to a library, which can be shared with colleagues or managers. The AI mechanism automatically generates a collective summary for the documents added to the library.

Project Results

The final deliverable was comprehensive, encompassing a packaged presentation, Figma prototype, and an animated loading search feature that adhered to the client's brand identity. By delivering a state-of-the-art document management tool, we exceeded ABP’s expectations and set a new standard for efficiency and user experience within regulatory environments.

The ABP management team was impressed with our team’s expertise in leveraging advanced technologies to solve complex problems. The customer was extremely pleased with the outcome, and the ABP Consultancy looks forward to future collaborations with Ascendum.