Looking into the future. Healthcare innovation with visionOS.

Looking into future innovation with visionOS.

The brief.

With the announcement of Vision Pro, Apple introduced a remarkable, high-end device for VR and AR. Ascendum saw an opportunity to brainstorm and imagine what could be in a variety of industries while learning about Apple's recommended best practices and investigating the new visionOS SDK.The first industry we focused on was healthcare. What compelling new services could be offered to users?

Our approach.

Our main demonstration focused on a motion mock-up. Camera motion from the original video was tracked and a 3D scene reconstructed with a virtual camera to match the real camera used. With a mixture of warping, animated masks, optics compensation and scaling we were able to insert our own elements seamlessly into the scene. Making them feel like part of the world.For the product concepts our team researched the thorough coverage and guidelines provided by Apple's WWDC videos and Human Interface Guidelines. We took ideas personal to us and expanded on them, such as one of our Creative Directors finding frustration with subpar videos demonstrating physiotherapy exercises. We wanted to explore both concepts that were centered on the user and their needs as well as how AR could expand and create new experiences when dealing with healthcare professionals.

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The outcome.

Beyond our motion and SDK demos, we crafted four separate concepts:

Physio Assistant

• Allows users to view real-time demonstrations on how to correctly perform exercises with perfect form

• Utilizes the unique AR potential of visionOS, enabling users to examine exercises from any angle

• Offers life-sized demonstrations, highlighting engaged muscles in real time

• Provides recommendations and feedback

Parental Guidance:

• Facilitates easy-to-follow breakdowns of medical procedures, especially those involving children

• Offers varying levels of detail, from abstract overviews to more detailed explanations

• Includes diagrams and videos with different levels of detail

• Presents a step-by-step guide on what to expect, with real-time highlights from healthcare professionals

Vision Pro for Stroke Recovery:

• Utilizes augmented reality for cognitive and coordination-based games

• Incorporates hand tracking and environmental sensing for a unique and engaging platform

• Provides specific activities for cognitive and coordination training

• Creates a supportive environment for users to redevelop skills confidently

Relaxation Experiences:

• Creates mesmerizing experiences for users to relax, from seamless loops to interactive scenarios

• Seamlessly scales from personal AR to full VR environments

• Offers varying levels of interaction based on user preferences

• Provides satisfying, sensory, and tactile scenes for relaxation

Looking into the future. Healthcare innovation with visionOS.